Tuesday, May 20, 2008


So we finally made it here! The bus ride was way less bad than everyone told us. It took 12 hours and it was air conditioned and comfortable. Although there were no bathrooms. We saw some cheesy Nigerian movies which involved violent hostage situations and then one Romeo and Juliet esque love story and imagine my surprise when one of the characters showed up in an old third flames jersey with the horse head! I was shocked! There is a big used clothing market here so you see a lot of ppl with American or Canadian clothes.
Tamale seems cool so far. The guest house we're staying at is awesome. I don't have much time, and i'll try and post some pics and stuff later. Just wanted to let people know I'm here and we're exploring the city today!
Oh and also we went to the beach, shopping and to the national museum in our last few days in Accra. Take care everyone!


Janet Keeping said...

So glad to hear that the bus trip went better than expected. I was on a bus yesterday too (to Edmonton) -- but the movie was "27 Dresses" and there was a bathroom. I think you are having a more culturally expanding experience! What was my first clue?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like one hell of a bus ride..hopefully you didn't feel nauseas at all!!!! All is good in Belleville, just volunteering and watching endless amount of TV on my computer. Back to work on Monday, woot! No word from law schools yet but I chatted with them all today and I'm still in the running so I wont freak out until June. When do you start your work officially? and are the accommodations better than your last place?
Kinda funny you saw the jersey..nice to have a piece of home around you!
-Ashy xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hey Beth!!
Sounds like you are having a great time so far, I can't wait to hear more! Nothing too much is going on over here, just having a nice relaxed time taking my one class. Thought of you and missed you last weekend (May Long), we will have to have a reunion May long camping trip some day. I am currently watching Good Will Hunting and am suddenly struck with panic!!...I don't know where my Come Hither Stenchy (yes that is the official name) poster is!! I know I have it somewhere, I mean that's just not the kind of thing you get rid of...but where?! Well as you can see I am as cool as always...and random come to think of it, that was a very rambly note. I am sorry for using your, I'm sure limited, internet for that ; )
Miss you!