Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hi everyone! I made it to Ghana in one piece. I wrote this last night but had no internet to post it so here it is.

May 12 11:15 pm local time

Wow. What a day. I guess it was a few days. First we took a bus from Ottawa to Montreal. Then a flight from Montreal to Amsterdam, where we had a 6 hour layover, and finally a flight from Amsterdam to Accra, the capital of Ghana. All in all, from the time I left the apartment in Ottawa to the time we got to our accommodations in Accra, the trip took about 30 hours. I think. I only slept for about 4 of them so my math might be way off. I can’t believe I’m here. When we landed, I felt totally out of my element and it really started to sink in that I’m in Africa. It’s crazy to think that yesterday I was watching Seinfeld on the couch with Tom and now I am on the other side of the planet. The trip went fairly smoothly. On our first flight I didn’t sleep at all and the movie didn’t look good but I was sitting next to 2 interesting people so that was nice. Then when we got to Amsterdam we found this swanky lounge with leather recliners and dimmed lights. I had such a good sleep and then I slept most of the flight to Accra so that was nice. The food wasn’t great, but my tummy was also feeling yucky, so that might’ve had something to do with it. It is such a relief to be here. Although I feel overwhelmed right now and a little scared.

We landed in Accra at about 6:30 and the sun was long gone (day light is from 6am-6pm) and it was still 30 degrees and crazy humid. Walking off the plane felt so weird. We walked off a huge plane right onto the runway where we took a bus to the terminal, which was about 100 metres. Weird. We got picked up at the airport.

We are staying at a guest house that is close to the WUSC head office (World University Service of Canada). It is really nice and more than I was expecting. I have my own room with a double bed, a TV in my room and my own bathroom. That’s better than Ottawa! Except no internet, and no running water at night. and my shower doesn't work. So after such a long trip, I would’ve liked a shower. But that’ll have to wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow we are supposed to sleep in, but my body is on such a weird schedule, I don’t know if I’ll be able to. Then we are going to the WUSC office. We have 2 days of training on Wednesday and Thursday and then there are a few of us heading to the North of the country and that will happen on Monday. There are 10 interns right now, most form OttawaU, 2 from Waterloo and then one from Uvic. I feel a little lonely but its nice to have people around. Oh and how could I forgot the most embarrassing the terrifying thing that has happened so far? I locked myself in my bathroom for a few minutes. The lock got stuck and I’ve had a terrible fear of being locked in bathrooms, stemming I think from the fact that this happened to me a few times when I lived in Scotland. Soooo emabressing! Anyways, so far things are pretty crazy, but I’m looking forward to getting more settled in.

May 13 12:30 pm local time

So here I am at the WUSC office where the have Wifi. So hightech! I have som pics, but I will post them later. Too much else to do. I'm feeling a little queasy from the heat/humidity/jet lag and maybe breakfast didn't sit too well either. It is soooo hot here and everyone tells us its going to be way hotter in the north. At least it won't be so humid. Anyways, I better get going here, but take care everyone and I’d like to hear from any of you if you have the chance!


Janet Keeping said...

Heat and humidity is tough, especially for those of us from the land of ice and snow. Let's hope it is easier in the north and that you get used to what you have to get used to quickly.
I remember how you got locked in a few Scottish bathrooms, as well as once inside our flat when all the rest of us were outside without keys (why would that have been? I don't know).
About deplaning right onto the runway and then taking a bus: this is standard operating procedure in Russia. Only in a few of the major airports do they have the gates which we are used to, that is, where there is a direct connection (like a tunnel or ramp) between the plane and the airport. Even at those airports, it will be only the airlines ready to pay extra for that service that get to use those gates. The rest will have to deplane onto the runways and take a bus. Sometimes even in busy places like London's Heathrow Airport, they will park a plane away from the airport building and use a bus to get people into the airport. That happened when I was going through London in March, on my way back from Russia.
But it is weird at first! Feels a little "make-do", not quite legitimate.
In the early (more chaotic) days in Russia, one of my colleagues had to walk in a snowstorm from the plane to the airport. It was the middle of the night and he couldn't see where he was going. Lucky he got to the airport at all. He claims that planes were taking off and landing around him, but I think that part of the story is fabrication.
Take good care while you are still feeling jet-lag. I find that my memory and attention to detail suffer a lot when I am going through a big time change.
Much love,

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you made the journey in one piece (even if it did take longer..that is a gross amount of travel time). You definitely have a step up from Lees/Bell in your accommodations it looks like...good work! Haha. Will you be at this place for the summer or will you move up to the North to a new location. Not too great on my geography so unsure if you can commute every day or not.
Vegas is boring as usual and am starting to miss you girlies...and HnC haha. I FINALLY got a job with Human Resources and Social Development so I will officially be a government employee next week, but in Belleville rather than Ottawa. This whole lounging around and volunteering is nice and stuff but a pay cheque would be key right about now.
Keep us all posted with pics and how your job is going you little world traveler!!!
Love you lots!
-Ashy xoxox

Anonymous said...

To add to previous note, I'll fill you in on trashy television you have missed:
- The Bachelor picked Shayne...yes..I know. Big ring, she cried and he actually did propose, and didn't do the whole "promise ring" route. I give them 2 years.
- Whitney won ANTM...I don't know if you have time to look at the pics at the CW but she rocked tonight's episode, and her Covergirl ad will be in Times Square. It was her versus Anya in the end, with Fatima in third place. Did a Versace runway show for the finale, with outfits hand-picked by Donatella herself. I'm happy for her!
- OTH was crazy...read spoilers if you have time, if not them I'll post synopsis later in case you want to watch (Crazy Beth, pure crazy in the last scene!)
- The Hills are over as of Monday, with it coming back end of August (perfect timing for you), and it also ended with some craziness!

Ash xoxox