Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hi everyone
I can't write too much. But I just wanted to let everyone know that I bought a cell phone! Exciting! I feel so high-tech since I don’t even have one in Canada. It was pretty cheap and pay as you go which is super nice. If anyone misses me enough to want to call me (or text me, which is cheaper!) I think incoming phone calls are free for me (this is what I’m told although I’m not sure if I believe it) and the number is complicated because it’s international. I think it is

011 – international number

233 – country code

24 – area code

706-6039 – my phone number

so 011-233-24-706-6039.

Take care!


Janet Keeping said...

Great to hear from you. We will call sometime soon. I met someone at the North-South Institute meetings here in Ottawa who is from Ghana. He is going to give me some contacts that you might find useful. Bye for now, Love, Mum

Anonymous said...

um picures would be nice...
i'll give you a call for sure, we have free long distance!

_Lea Hughes